.. _userDevicesCoherentLaser: Coherent ultrafast lasers ========================= ACQ4 supports Coherent laser devices with all of the features provided by the generic Laser device class. Additionally, serial commuication to the laser driver is supported with the following features: * Monitoring of onboard output power reporting * Wavelength control * Dispersion correction control Configuration Options --------------------- Example configuration: :: Laser-2P: driver: 'CoherentLaser' port: 9 baud: 19200 scope: 'Microscope' pulseRate: 90*MHz ## Laser's pulse rate pCell: device: 'DAQ' channel: '/Dev1/ao1' type: 'ao' shutter: device: 'DAQ' channel: '/Dev1/line31' ## channel for triggering shutter type: 'do' delay: 30*ms ## how long it takes the shutter to fully open defaultPowerMeter: 'NewportMeter' calibrationWarning: 'Filter in?' alignmentMode: pCell: 100*mV #pCell: #channel: 'DAQ', 'Dev1/ao2' Manager Interface ----------------- Task Runner Interface ---------------------